Sharing a garden tools list and favorite accessories may not be the most exciting topic. But it’s definitely something I’m willing to write about for anybody that might be beginning gardeners!
What I’m going to list out below are the top garden tools and accessories that I use on a weekly, monthly, and day to day basis. I’ll show you the products on my garden tools list that I love; but this doesn’t mean that you can’t go on your own little shopping spree and buy something else that you might be more inspired by!
Garden Tools List

This Glow Screen is perfect because it looks great on your skin alone, adding extra glow and protection!
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To make sure you are truly protected, add a sun hat. This also helps shade your eyes so you can actually see what you are doing!
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A lot of my seeds and plants that transition into the ground are absolutely done by trowel, and honestly, I am using this garden tool every single day from March, until mid-ish July.
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I know, it seems absurd right? Well, I for one like to rake out the gardens as soon as the snow is off the ground. I’m able to get out debris that settled in over winter, and clear out all of the old ground coverings that we used last year.
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I personally use bone meal and manure to prep the beds. I add these at the beginning of the season when the soil is easy to work, and it all gets turned in with a shovel, then raked over to a nice smooth garden bed.
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Super light weight and easy to drag around the garden! It comes in different sizes, and honestly, might be my favorite garden accessory!
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Try looking for a long set of garden gloves, so that when you’re getting in and cutting the branches you aren’t cutting your whole arm up. It’s just not an ideal situation. Trust me.
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A good pair of shears is a must for a gardner! Make sure you keep them clean {was with soapy water} because you can transfer bacteria from one plant to the next!
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If you’re growing roses, I cannot recommend this product enough. Roses are super hungry, and they need specific nutrients. So every four weeks, I feed them rose-tone
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Sluggo is the one of the best garden tools to kill these guys off without harming your gardens, or animals. You just sprinkle it in your garden, and you don’t do it more than three times a month, and pests be gone!
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If you’re starting a new bed, or if you have a long section of flowers or veggies that you’d be growing a great idea is to use ground covering. It cuts down your weeding time and you can reuse these!
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One of my favorite garden tools! A lot of flowers can be highly susceptible to mildew and bacteria, and in order to stop it, you need to spray your plants every 7-14 days. I use this organic spray and it works great!
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As the season goes on your plants need to be fed, because they’re growing little babies. Something else I like to use is fish fertilizer, you get these big bottles. And you just mix a little bit in with water. And I do this every 2-3 of weeks as well. Be careful with ferilizer ratios, some flowers don’t adhere well with some fertilizers.
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While I try to minimize my weeding, it is inevitable that you will still have weeds pop up. You can thank me later after you get the mat!
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Have a little fun with your water can and add it to your deck decor – this guy comes in handy for your sweet porch flowers that the hose just can’t reach!
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These blue plastic beauties will strip the leaves and thorns, right after rows or the leaves of any long stem flower in seconds. It’s amazing. And they’re under $10
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If you have any favorite garden tools and accessories let me know in the comments – I’m always willing to try new things!!
For More Garden Inspiration + Tips Check Out My Garden Club Articles
Do you garden? What’s on your garden tools list? Let me know in a comment below!
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