Building a personal brand means carving your own path! In this video, we’re going to dig into the mistakes that could keep you from creating your personal brand.
Mistake #1
If you are making mistakes in your personal brand you are probably not taking the time to build the right foundations. Most people throw a business plan together, create a beautiful logo, and decide on the aesthetic….and then stop.
You need to take the time to make sure you are figuring out what makes the “you” in your brand…. You need to define your why, nail down your core values (which you can learn how to do in this video) and really hone in on your ICA (ideal customer avatar).
All of these aspects are what really brings your brand voice up front and center and allows you to authentically communicate with your audience from day 1!
Being fake or copying others voices because youve convinced yourself that is what you have to do to get ahead – because if they are popular then you have to be just like them…
This is why you need to take the time to really dig into your core values and brand messaging.
If you keep trying to emulate others then you will end up jumping ship on your business within a year because it will be too exhausting not bringing your true voice to the front.
Mistake #2
Not Creating Content
We are living in the marketing world of Social media….if you are not creating content you are invisible.
People buy from people they like. In order to establish long term relationships with your community you need to get in front of your audience. Don’t be scared to mess up – it only makes you more human and relatable.
Fun Fact – Consumer attention is primarily focused on the internet – social media…
Not print
Not radio
Not T.V.
Creating content allows you to show off your expertise and knowledge → establishing yourself as an industry expert.
Be sure to create with intention. Create to add value, impact others and make a difference.
Mistake #3
You are focusing ONLY on aesthetics…
When you are only concentrating on the visuals of your brand you are forgetting about establishing a connection with your customers, serving or providing value, and you aren’t building a community.
You also need to stop fixating on vanity metrics – these do not come with visuals!! It’s not about how many people are following you – but how many you are cultivating relationships with.
Learn more on how to Connect With Your Audience Through Your Personal Brand Here!
Do you have any questions on mistakes you’re making in your personal brand that I didn’t answer in this post? Let me know in a comment below!

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