It’s been six whirlwind years of adventure, travel, moves, and laughs – but it’s time for the next chapter in our life.…We are moving! In the months to come we will be heading back east to another incredible American City – Boston!
After 9 1/2 years in the military, Matt has decided to go and pursue an MBA. After being accepted to some pretty top notch schools he decided to go with MIT and I couldn’t be more proud or excited! His hard work paid off yet again to provide another amazing opportunity in life. Not only will he have one sensational career, but he will be able to enjoy two.
Along with being back on the East Coast where our families and most of our friends are…we will also be only three hours from my family in upstate New York, and from our family coastal cottage in Maine. I can’t wait for my little nephews to finally know us, and not just point at pictures and recite our names!! And of course I can’t wait to explore the North East at length and see the beautiful countryside, the historical charm, and talk with good ole fashioned New Englanders….
I’m still on the fence about rooting for the Patriots, and up there that is everything…we’ll see!
As far as MIT goes… that campus radiates with energy and creativity. So many brilliant minds who want to push the boundaries and initiate new technology. Creative rebels that want to change not only America, but bring a positive change globally. As excited as these people are to move forward, I’m equally excited to be apart of a community where I can watch first hand their progressive development.
It is, however, bittersweet. Matt has worked side by side with the best of the best. People that are fearless, daring, heroic, smart, and value our independence. Along with the brotherhood comes beautiful girlfriends, wives, and children that support these soldiers every day. Women that are fiercely independent, and astonishingly strong. These people make up a tight knit community that we are so sad to leave, people whom can you depend on and whom become family.
We are so thankful for such a remarkable experience, and will forever support the military.
Military families are the backbone of America, and I’m thankful everyday our flag flies proudly due to their selfless sacrifices.
Can’t wait to see you in Boston!
XO, Shannon
Selfishly woohooing