Gone are the days of follow for follow and like for like. This definitely won’t attract quality Instagram followers. You might be struggling to convert your audience into customers if you’ve attracted followers based on engagement pods or other interaction based tasks. Why? Because the algorithm is going to show your content to people based off of behaviors they see on your account. Which means followers that aren’t interested in your content aren’t helping you.
We need to get one thing off the table right now – there is a massive difference between collecting followers and building a community. More people does not equal more sales.
When building a community you want to make sure that you have high quality followers – and this just means that you are specifically targeting your ideal audience, the people your product or service was created for.
>> I go into how to build a community in 2022 in this post. <<
In order to target your ideal follower you need to sit down and figure out exactly who you are talking to. Many coaches will tell you to figure out every single detail about them. Even name them. And that’s fine – but what really matters is what they really and truly desire. Drop a comment below and let me know if you have already outlined your ideal client!

Here’s what I mean – Jennifer is a small business owner on Instagram, and she hates getting on Instagram. I mean absolutely despise it – who here can relate to Jennifer?
But Jennifer knows that people are heading to social media to search for her business over google. She realizes she needs some kind of presence on social media, whether she hates it or not. So she joins my membership – the content membership where she has access to plug-and-play captions so it takes her less than 2 min to post on Instagram.
The outcome? She shows up on social media, her clients find her, and it’s a win win, but her desire? Her deeper desire is to have a successful business that runs smoothly so she can actually spend more time with her children while they are growing up.

So you need to really take the time to outline their desires AND their fears – what keeps them up at night? And how does your product or service fix it?
Once you start creating content around your ideal client you will start attracting a higher quality of community followers.
Speaking of creating content. You need to show up. It’s basic math – if you are producing no content, then no one will see you, therefore no one will follow you.
But you can’t just post to post – it has to be intentional. You have to have a strategy. Your customers are on a journey. And whether you know it or not you have a sales funnel that interacts with that journey. You have two options here, you can let the journey and funnel interact randomly, and pray you get a sale out of it. Or you can strategically produce content that supports the customer journey.

Something else you can do while you are gaining traction with followers is start to weed out people that start following you that ARENT your ideal client. Yes this may seem counterintuitive, but keep an eye on who starts to follow you – if it is a bunch of bots, or they are from a foreign country you know they’ll never need your product head over to their profile, hit the three dots in the upper right corner and remove follower. You want people that are highly engaged and WANT to see your content and this will only help you in the long run I promise!
Ok I have one last bit of advice for gaining your ideal followers!
You want a community, you figured out your ideal follower, you have a strategy – but is your account optimized to support all of this? Make sure that you have your bio in order, and you have started incorporating keywords throughout your content.
Refining your audience is going to take time but these steps are going to make sure that your content is being seen by the audience you truly want to work with. Then you can say goodbye to crickets for your content and hello to followers that convert!
>>Want to learn more about creating content that will attract your audience? Check out this post!<<

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