Your content could potentially just be filler and background noise if you’re not working to make sure it’s shareable. It’s tough to hear but the truth is that you want your content to resonate with your audience well enough that they would want to share your content. That’s going to be a big part of boosting your Instagram growth.
In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Shannon, and I help small business owners build a community, make an impact, and create content that converts
When it comes to creating shareable there are 3 types you need to be creating on a regular basis – and here’s what they are – the quick win, the problem solving, relatable, and objection addressing.
Because, the name of the game is value and when you think about it you need to constantly be adding some kind of value – and these 3 topics really help you create that shareable kind of feed.
Let’s talk about the quick win. How can you help your ideal client achieve a goal on their own. In this circumstance you want to think what you are always asked, what do they want help with?
And then create content around this – you want to think of a lists. For Example, resources, tips, how-to’s, processes etc.

The 2nd type of shareable content on Instagram you want to create is solving problems. You want to help your ideal audience solve a problem, figure out what they are doing wrong. In this type of content you pinpoint the problem and show them how to fix it.
When I created a reel – “ Why you aren’t making sales on Instagram” I named a very specific problem and then I told them how to fix it in order to make more conversions.
Likewise, in these posts you want to tell them to stop what they are doing, or explain what is causing the problem to begin with.

>> For more information on creating content for your brand give this post a read<<
The 3rd type of shareable content on Instagram is the type of content that people shy away from. Relatable. This is where you share with your audience your stories and experiences and connect them to your business. You want to show your audience how much you understand them. And, how you want to help them achieve their goals. This is easily done by creating relationships and connections with them. Which you can do by sharing bits of your life with them. Look, you don’t have to share everything, but you can’t not share anything.
You do this by sharing stories – day to day stories, inspirational stories, stories of how you pushed through your fear, what motivates you, etc. These are all things that will really resonate with your ideal client.
Creating shareable content for Instagram is the best way to expand your reach, having your audience share your content is invaluable.
Once you start creating content that is going to allow your audience to share more freely, and you start sharing authentically, this will cause you to find your audience more engaged and connected to you. That’s what’s going to tell Instagram that your content is valuable. Need help creating more valuable content to make your IG account work for you?
>> Be sure to check out my subscription service – The Content Membership. Every month you’ll receive done-for-you captions, and reels audios with industry ideas, along with a ton of bonuses. And the cost is so low – talk about a smart investment!<<

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