Finding your brand voice is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Not only will it help you connect in a more impactful way, it’s going to make creating content for social media so much easier. So let’s break down how you can use your business values to learn your brand voice.
How to Use Your Business Values to Create Better Content
Core values…I love me some core values! They drive your business and create clarity around your purpose…
But they also define what consumers should experience, feel, and expect from your brand
In my video about how to Define your core values (point off to the right) I asked you to dig deep to narrow in on what were the most important values to you…values that you wanted to shape and mold your business…essentially be your brand bible.
Now I’m asking you to take a deep dive into figuring out if you’re actually representing your core values? Is your messaging consistent with your values? Is your brand voice actually speaking to your target audience …or is it too stiff, generalized, and corporate sounding?
The values you chose for your brand help shape your brand voice while also allowing your to listen to your community –
What do I mean by this? Well, not only do you want to actually take into consideration what they are saying to you in your social media comments and direct messages, but you want to explore other avenues to see how they are speaking to each other…what is their language? What groups are they in? Read through their comments – you’ll pick up their biggest complaints, problems, and compliments AND you’ll see what words they are using to describe these things.
Are you a product based business? Take a look at similar product reviews and see what is being said there as well.
By doing this you can start to engage with your community in the language they are using and really pick up on what drives them to want/need your product or service ( this tip is also great for writing any sales or ad copy too)!
When you stop selling in your social media content and start focusing on your customer and how they FEEL…things start to shift. You start to build that like, trust, and know factor. You are actually tuning in and paying attention to their needs and desires.
Emotions make decisions. People will justify their actions later. Take words your community uses that evoke emotions and align with your values, then start using those words in your social media content, captions, videos, email, all of it!
As always you know I’m HUGE on community – you want to make your audience feel a part of a community. Start to create conversations demonstrating your values in your content. Then actively share and engage other people’s conversations that demonstrate your values.
Sharing your business values does 4 things –
-it creates brand loyalty
-helps customers understand your purpose
-builds transparency and trust
– and shows consistency
And as always – when you are creating content you want to make sure it absolutely aligns with your values – if it doesn’t – don’t waste your time on it.
What are some of your business values? Let me know in a comment below!
Take a look at my article How to Build Your Personal Brand On Instagram.

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