We Believe in Local + Community –
We believe in supporting small businesses, especially in the New England region. We believe in the American dream, and with a lot of hard work, you can make anything happen. Every day we aim for excellence by creating a brand about a local experience to tell a unique story about the New England culture. For these reasons we are proud to be partnering with Adjective Art and Framing to continue the New England tradition of using local artisans to bring you sustainably forested handcrafted frames made to order.
We Believe in Giving Back –
Following a passion and perfecting an art means nothing without a purpose; we firmly believe that the best way to show our gratitude and appreciation is to give back to the community. We believe in asking how we can help and showing up, so we are committing 10% of our sales to the organization Camp Sunshine.
Located in Casco Maine, Camp Sunshine is an organization that provides retreats combining respite, recreation and support, while enabling hope and promoting joy, for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families through the various stages of a child’s illness. Camp Sunshine has offered comfort, hope, and support to over 50,000 individuals from all 50 states and 27 countries, free of charge.
Matt and I first got involved with Camp Sunshine when our friend created “SEALs for Sunshine” events in 2014, in which special op military members perform long, grueling, physical feats in order to raise money for military families to attend Camp Sunshine. While Matt would compete, I would offer support, raise money, and interact with the families. We have seen first hand how much this organization has changed lives and provided a positive impact in our Community.
We believe in the Dreamers that become the Doers –
We believe in people with audacious dreams and wild spirits; the artists, writers, photographers, dancers, and the music makers. We believe in the solopreneurs that work endlessly to make their dreams come true and fight like a honey badger to become successful. We fully support the ones who continue to fail, only to stand up again and again and again. We believe these people are the backbone of America and we’ve got your back.
We Believe in Always Being Better Than Yesterday –
While a little competition can be healthy, we believe that the only thing we need to be better than is the company we were yesterday. We are open to feedback in order to always improve, yet believe in celebrating the accomplishments we make. We believe in swimming in our own lane, but still cheering on other small business owners because there is room for EVERYONE to be successful.
We Believe You Can Sit With Us –
We believe in kindness and inclusivity. That diversity among culture, ethnicity, and background will help cultivate the most brilliant ideas and bring forth an enigmatic energy. We believe in creating a culture of warmth and human connection, because only then will we truly succeed.
We Believe in Joy –
Owning a small business is hard. Life is hard. But we believe in practicing gratitude and finding joy in the little moments in between to carry you through. We believe in smiling at strangers, high fives in the hallway and hugs in greeting.
We Believe in Staying Curious –
We believe that the education is never over, that we can learn from others and constantly look forward to what is next. When problems arise we believe there is always an answer and that you can figure out anything, no matter how long it takes. We believe in pursuing personal growth which manifests into creating a company that thrives off of our customers satisfaction and being happy with our output.
Thank you for following along on this journey with us, we hope our prints bring you joy as you hang them in your home, office, or give them as gifts!