There are a lot of people telling you what you should be doing on Instagram and that can be a lot of noise. But what are the social media experts actually doing behind the scenes? How are they managing their own social media, or Instagram routine on a regular basis? We are going to dive into just that! I’m going to take you through my weekly Instagram routine.
If you’ve been with me for a while you hear me talking about batching my content all the time. I think it’s important to mention as creating content does take time, but like everything else…with practice, it gets easier.
Every week I set aside 1-2 days and take 1-2 hours to batch create the filming. I film everything I can at once, and LATER I go back in and add text/captions/hashtags. I batch those things on separate days so I don’t get burnt out.
>> if you want to see more about burnout you should check out this video <<
I’m going to get real with you, and tell you what I’ve been doing and it’s letting me create a ton of content. First I lay out my strategy – I have that dialed in either by month, or 1-2 week increments.
During down times {watching t.v. standing in line, etc.} when I’m scrolling through the app I’ll save trends that I notice that look fun and EASY. Notice those two words, fun and easy.
I’ll save videos/audios to a folder inside of Instagram and title it by the week – this way I have all my audio ready to go when I start filming.
On to filming – this is honestly the most enjoyable part of the process – and because I saved audios with easy trends I breeze through them. Here’s the trick – I have no idea what text or caption Ill use with these trends – I’ll figure that out later. This has saved me hours, because before, I would see a trend or hear an audio I loved, and I would just sit on it – because I had no idea what to say.
Since I have my strategy laid out ahead of time – I know that when I sit down to write my captions I can easily apply them to reels I had recorded. Before I started doing this I was wasting hours. I’m not kidding – hours – and I’m not sure about you, but that is not sustainable with everything else we have on our plates.
Here is another trick that has started to save my sanity- I have started to incorporate a lot more talking head style reels. This is where you just talk to the camera. I will add a lot of jump cuts in these – this just means it goes from one scene to the next. There is no swanky transition, but it’s enough to keep viewers watching!

Talking head, or “direct to camera” reels are great because they break up the feed and you are able to give quick tutorials or behind the scenes moments of your life.
Have you tried a talking head reel yet? Drop a comment below and let me know!
Not only are these great to break up the feed and cause people to stop but the more you do them the more you build your on camera confidence!
Okay, so I have everything filmed, next I’ll write out all my captions. Then, I’ll apply each one to my reels and I will add the text on screen.
Later I’ll take my captions and turn them into carousels – this is a great way to grow AND repurpose your work!
Once I have the filming down, the captions, carousels, quote cards its a wrap – but what about my DAILY routine.
If you want to receive love – aka engagement – you need to give the love. So I will spend anywhere from 15 – 30 minutes in the morning, and 15-30min in the evening engaging with my followers. I will make it a point to engage in stories as well, because that starts conversations in the DMs, and this is where you start to build relationships.
I time my engagement periods around my post, just so It gives me an extra boost of engagement!
Throughout my weekly Instagram routine, I also try to stay on top of my DM’s and my comments, these can be hard from time to time but the more you interact with your community the more rewarding this whole platform becomes!
And that’s it! That’s how I manage my Instagram routine each week so that I’m growing and making the most of the platform. If you’re ready to take your Instagram to the next level, be sure to check out my newly released membership where I do most of the work for you – It is full of done for you templates and will save you so much time – time that is better used to do a little more living!

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