I know you might still be resistant to reels or any video content when it comes to marketing your business online. But the truth is, video isn’t going anywhere. AND video marketing is the best way to grow your business and increase revenue!
Today I’m going to share 10 reels of Ideas for a product-based business, and if you stick around until the end, I’m going to give you a bonus Idea that will help you connect with your followers and therefore increase your sales!!
But first, I want to mention the newest feature by Instagram that makes reels so much easier to create – templates. This feature has cut my video production time in half; you can see how over in this video!

10 Product-Based Reels Ideas for Businesses
✅ FAQs – this is wonderful because you are giving your audience information they are already asking for through frequently asked questions – but it also allows you to produce original content – which is what Instagram is focusing on these days!
✅ BTS – Give your followers a view into what a day in the life looks like for you, with various behind-the-scenes snippets
✅ The Story Behind the Product – Every product has some kind of story – whether you created the product yourself OR if you are a store carrying a product
✅ Packaging – share the little details that make your packaging stand out
✅ Unboxing – on the opposite end of packaging, have a reel where a customer is unboxing your product after they just received it in the mail
✅ Social Proof – In this reel you want to be able to show your audience/customers using your product, or have them give a testimonial or review while they are using the product!
✅ A Valuable moment – In this video you want to have your product be a piece of the story, but not the main focal point of the video. Maybe you are selling books and you do a reel on packing up a beach bag and the book is included in your “what’s in my beach bag” theme
✅ Product placement – this video doesn’t even talk about the product, rather gives you a visual of the product being used, or placed throughout the entire video. For Example – remember the Matthew McConaughey commercials for Lincoln? He’s driving a Lincoln and he is giving life advice, but never discussing the car…you want to be able to invoke a feeling, or have your customer see themselves using the product in a similar fashion
✅ Features and benefits – this is video is very direct and to the point – you want to create a reel that focuses solely on the features and benefits of the product! PRO TIP – you can use this idea to create THREE different reels – use one for features and benefits, then break it down, and in a month or two post a reel on features, and a different reel on benefits!
✅ How do you make the product – or how do you choose the product? So if you are an artist and you sell oil paintings, be sure to create reels consistently on how you create the products, but if you are a store then you’ll want to make a video explaining how you choose the products
Ok, we have gone through 10 ideas that can be implemented repeatedly for a product-based small business – but what about that BONUS reel I promised?
This is going to be an introduction reel. As small business owners, we should introduce ourselves regularly – especially as a product-based business. People connect with other people, so you need to show your face. No, this does not mean you have to become the face of the brand; you just have to show up occasionally and connect with your audience, let them in a little by introducing yourself and giving a personal story. This creates more tangible connections for the viewers and will increase your sales!
Now, if all of this STILL sounds overwhelming and you think you still need help, check out the link below to The Content Membership- where I send done-for-you content every week! Yup! You can create a reel in under 5 minutes, with a written-for-you caption to go with it! Give it a go, and you can cancel at any time!
Having Trouble Writing Captions? Check out this post….

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