After wrapping up the Rise Business Conference in Charleston; I knew I had to pass along as much info as I could. So I decided to do a poll on Instagram and start with ALL of the books mentioned at the conference. Shockingly the poll came in at 100% of the people who voted wanting to know about the best books for business owners. I won’t lie, my heart swelled with pride, my audience is full of business savvy go getters! Which makes me love you even more.
While I went through all of my notes, I am certain I left one or two out. So anyone who went the conference please let me know if I did!! While I haven’t read everything on this list, I have already started making a dent. And encourage you to do the same!
Some of these books were not mentioned, but were written by the incredible speakers! I included these books for a couple reasons – 1. No one tried to sell anything! And 2. these speakers were amazing so I am sure their books are full of even more knowledge.
Here are a few of the best books for business owners on this list I am familiar with!
Girl, Wash Your Face – Rachel Hollis hits it out of the park with this best seller. She gets raw and dirty on working too much, guilt about not being the perfect mom, and even down to the real deal issues between her and Dave. Its is a poignant reminder that life is what you make of it, and how anyone can change their life at any given time – if they choose too.
Girl, Stop Apologizing – Rachel’s follow up book aimed to inspire women to be leaders and to live the lives they want to live without feeling ashamed about it.
Get out of Your Own Way – Dave Hollis is coming in hot in 2020 with his debut book. Taking a page out of his wife’s book, he is getting real in one of the most authentic ways I have seen a male speaker open up. Through the couple of chapters I have heard him read, he breaks down his failures to his family and when he realized it needed to change, and how he did it. Definitely looking forward to this one!
Shoe Dog – a memoir by Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. One of the greatest brands of our time, if EVER, was on the brink of bankruptcy for nearly 2 decades. This is a intriguing read as Phil breaks down how Nike continued through and stuck with quality and innovation. “The cowards never started and the weak died along the way.” – something all entrepreneurs should live by.
15 Laws of Invaluable Growth – While this one wasnt mentioned at the conference, John Maxwell was mentioned. Devoting his life to personal growth and development which manifests in business, I highly recommend this read. In fact, I’m going to read it again!
Building a Story Brand – GREAT READ!! As someone who loves to write, I was already familiar with the formula to stories – yes there is a formula! But I was fascinated to see how Donald Miller takes the structure and it applies it to marketing for your business, any one interested in building a brand needs to read this one!
Below is the entire list – if there are any others that you LOVE let me know about it so I can add it to my reading list!
What do you think are the best books for business owners? Share in a comment below!
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