In this post we are talking all about burnout! It’s easy to end up burnout with TikTok , Instagram, YouTube, twitter…I can’t even name them all.
Instagram is an exciting platform, but it can lead to burnout if you’re not careful. We all know that burnout is a buzzword these days but the truth is that burnout is real and it’s really detrimental to both your well being and your business. In this post, we’re going to uncover the dangers of Instagram Burn Out.

So Instagram has changed a lot in the past few years, and it’s not showing any signs of stopping. But with all the changes it can also lead to all the dun dun dunnnnn – massive burnout which leads to the death of your content creation!.
Instagram has gotten to be so much, that most small business owners don’t want to take the time to learn how to use it. BUT if you learn how to create a strategy and know exactly what to post then it makes your life a lot easier!
Here are some things that lead to burnout:
Over-posting– if you are posting multiple times a day and there is no plan behind it, your brain is working double time. You have started to create just to post and as a small business owner you never want to post just to post.
You want to post content that strategically helps you while serving your audience.
Time on the app – getting caught up in the endless scroll of Instagram will help you burn out fast! You need to learn how to create content vs consuming content. Start setting time limits on your scroll time. OR stop scrolling and start setting a timer to do research – meaning you are looking for content that specifically inspires you to create – trending audio, reels trends, new similar accounts to follow and so on.
Not being yourself – Instagram is leaning more towards wanting to see the reality of life, not just the beautiful editing. And with that needs to come the real you! If you have created a persona that is NOTHING like you then you are going to crash and burn. It is exhausting keeping up with another identity.
So now that we know the signs, how can burnout affect your business?
For starters, Instagram is a FREE marketing tool, and the amount of traffic and revenue you can bring in is endless.
However, if you get burnt out you will no longer post. Instead of taking a well needed 2-3 day break you will end up taking a much longer break. And then your engagement will drop dramatically along with you having to start over.
I took a 3 month break once, and while it was very much needed as I had other things to deal with, coming back was not easy. Trying to get my engagement back while creating a strategy was intense, and I will not be doing that again.
So how can we avoid having burnout? With a plan. Plan ahead of time what your posting schedule will be and what you will post. In that timeframe carve out days off or times of the day where you will not get on Instagram. Use these times to recharge.
Burnout can make you feel like you just want to throw in the towel. But there are so many ways to avoid burnout or even recover from it. Remember taking breaks is allowed and encouraged around here. Know your limits and enjoy the process. Have you struggled with burnout on Instagram before? I’d love to know what you did to bounce back! Let me know in the comments below!
>> If you want to learn more about how you can grow faster with keywords on Instagram be sure to check out this post <<<<

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