Do you ever read an article and then shake your head at something that was so stupid simple – it made you upset you didn’t already have that practice in play? Well friends, today is the day you learn about the easiest Pinterest hack there is.

The Best Pinterest Hack…Make New Pins
Yup….it’s THAT easy. Instead of slaving away at creating a ton of new content every week or month, go through old content and create completely new pins.
Pinterest is starving for new content – meaning new pins. They don’t care if you are recycling old evergreen posts, but they want it displayed in a fresh away!
Here are some pointers to help you out with your new pinterest hack:
- Use Tailwind it’s a pinterest scheduling app that is so easy to use my german shepherd could do it.
- Use Canva – the free version is enough! they have tons of pinterest templates that are easy to use!
- Make sure that your new pins are linked to the correct pages and that they have descriptions relevant to the article
- Enable Rich Pins.
- Use text overlay to grab readers attention
- Pay attention to your analytics…if you have a pin go viral, in 2-3 months make MORE new pins on that article so it can go viral again
- Make at least 10 pins for each article….I know this sounds like a lot, but honestly once you get used it you don’t even think about it. I don’t put all 10 pins in my blog posts, but i do use all 10 pins on pinterest!
And there you have it the on pinterest hack to increase you! Start making new pins for old content today to increase your views, which in return will bring in more website traffic!
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Do you have a Pinterest hack that has worked really well for you? Let me know in a comment below!
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