Popularity Does Not Equal Profitability
Let that sink in….
As a small business owner trying to navigate the world of social media, I’m sure you’ve heard quite a few phrases like “you need ALL the followers” or “you need the highest engagement rate”. And then you probably panicked – right?
You are just trying to make your business successful and now you have to make your IG profile have 100’s of thousands of followers? Wrong.
Here are some social media tips that explain why this is confusing…Influencers get paid based on the number of people following them, and how high their engagement rate is. Whereas a small business owner, you are getting paid for your products and services!
You need to be able to utilize social media as a tool to help your small business, versus have social media BE your business.
Looking for to up level your business on social media? Take a peek at my signature course: The Instagram Solution: Crafting Your Own Outcome!
Social Media Tips
The ultimate goal for small business owners on social media is to find their ideal clients and connect with them. You don’t have to have a million followers to do that. Depending on your small business you can have only 100 followers and have social media bring in A LOT of money.
Here are a few ways to utilize Instagram to and not be a small business owner that gets social media wrong:
- Don’t be afraid to get personal! People love to get to know the person behind the brand.
- Don’t sell 100% of the time. A good rule of thumb is to share valuable content 80% of the time, and then hit with a hard sell 20% of the time. Think about it; no one wants to see an IG feed full of products or someone just selling themselves.
- Utilize hashtags. Hashtags are like the SEO of Instagram. If anyone is needs to search for something on Instagram they are most liking using hashtags. So you want to do a deep dive into hashtag research and find what hashtags are related to your business and then rotate them on your posts. {Need More Info on Hashtags? Check out this Article?}
- Create a great networking community of similar businesses and share their content or host small highly targeted giveaways.
If you enjoyed The One Thing Small Business Owners Get Wrong on Social Media then check out these other articles full of {actually useful} information!

Are you a small business owner? Do you have any extra social media tips to share? Let me know in a comment below!
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